Achievement badges

Earn 40+ badges based on your WHOOP metrics, your habits and your activities.

Rewards in all shapes and sizes

Badges come in lots of flavours to go after: some reward sleep, some reward exercise, some are serious and others still are just a bit of fun—including some hidden badges you’ll only see when (or if!) you unlock them.

Most badges reward a more healthy lifestyle…

…though some are a little more light-hearted—we’re not always perfect after all!

…and others reward the valued fitIQ Pro community ❤️

Achievement categories

Badges are currently divided up into the following categories:

  • Membership: rewards based on your WHOOP or fitIQ membership
  • General recoveries: recovery based badges
  • Workouts: rewards based on activities
  • Sleep: sleep more, earn more!
  • Challenging recoveries: not all recoveries are great, but they’re still worth celebrating
  • Strain: the harder you work, the more you earn
  • Pro only: badges exclusive to fitIQ Pro members

Share your own achievements

Badges are automatically earned every time you syc with WHOOP. If you want to show off your trophy cabinet, you can share your badges with the world via your public fitIQ profile.

See what badges you've earned